How to Easily Move Out of Your Comfort Zone – 3 Steps

You want to do something differently – but you keep putting it off. You’re busy. Overworked. Running on empty.

Instead of making the change you know you need to make, you say you’ll do it next month. Next year. Later. Someday.

But when is someday?

You are stuck in your comfort zone. While you aren’t happy, you are comfortable…until you’re not.

As a Spiritual Medium and Energy Strategist, I see people get STUCK in their comfort zone ALL the time. Not because they’re lazy, it’s the opposite. You have too much going on and you just don’t have the bandwidth to do it. Does this sound familiar?

Let’s dive into 3 steps to move you out of your comfort zone and onto your best path.

1 – Create a REASONABLE Action Plan

You know what you want to do. You even know the steps to get there.

Where I see people get stuck in their comfort zone is that they either try:

  • To create a completely UNREALISTIC PLAN with their work and life schedule. This means it’s not going to happen and you end up more frustrated.
  • Or they WAIT for the “perfect time” with their work schedule to get started. But you know how work is. It’s busy and there are always new, urgent priorities and deadlines.

A reasonable action plan means that you look honestly and objectively at your schedule to see when you really can time block to take action. You also have to hold that time as a priority over other things that come up. This is often where I come in to support my clients in staying on their best path.

Obstacles real and perceived are a big problem. Create a reasonable action plan and stick to it. Find an accountability partner for yourself if that’s what you need.

2 – Letting Go

Once you start to make changes, letting go is your best friend.

There are many things to let go of: limiting beliefs, fears, family patterns and expectations, your expectations, and any road blocks that keep you from moving forward.

The thing about letting go is that it should be different every time. If you keep letting go of the same thing, you’re not letting go. I’ll give you a video to help you let go here.

How often you should let go? Whenever you feel stuck, off your path, if you hit an obstacle, if you hit a fork in the road, and whenever you feel like you should.

3 – Take Action and Celebrate

Don’t get stuck in planning or letting go. Take action. This is how you move forward. And notice I threw CELEBRATE in here too.

High performers are notorious for hitting a goal and immediately moving onto the next one. This is your fastest path to burnout and is completely preventable.

What actions are the hardest for you to take? You need to know how you’re going to celebrate them. You may even want to create a list to help you so you can pull an idea from that.

Sometimes it’s a fancy dinner or a special trip. It may be a spa day. I had a client buy a diamond ring for hitting seven figures in her business. It can also be a day spent in nature.

How you celebrate only matters in that you are excited to do it for reaching this action goal. Some celebrations will be small. Some will be big. Just make sure you’re celebrating.

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