
How to Start Your Workday in Balance

You know what your work day looks like now – imagine if you started your day in a place of balance!

Imagine your day starting and you feel CALM, FOCUSED and ALIGNED! When life comes at you, you are able to stay balanced and put things into perspective. This allows you to have a more PRODUCTIVE morning and it continues into the day!!!

You probably start your day immediately connecting to technology.

This leads to a downward spiral of emails, social media, texts and news. In this mix is caffeine, hopefully some food, clothes, grooming and the day begins without any purpose or connection so you’re easily thrown off as the hiccups of the day come along and keep coming!

How’s this working out for you???

Typically, once you get thrown into the craziness, it just continues and you spend more time putting out fires than being productive, right? This is what I hear!

A new MORNING ROUTINE can help you start your day off in a good place and it can be EASY!

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Some tips to help you begin your day:

  • Set your alarm clock for 10 minutes before you have to get out of bed. Use this time to meditate, bring in White Light, set intentions for the day, bring in abundance, say “I am” statements like, “I am peace. I am calm. All is well.”
  • NO TECHNOLOGY the first 30 minutes you are up – this is an energy time warp and it pulls you away from setting intentions and being. GAME CHANGER!!!
  • Be purposeful and intentional while you drink your warm beverage of choice. JUST BE! Feel the warmth of the cup, breathe in the steam, be grateful for your day, listen to the birds, notice what is happening outside and around you.
  • Think positively about your tasks and day planning. What is your purpose today? What are realistic goals and expectations? How will you feel when you complete them?
  • Set a TIME LIMIT on your technology when you do connect and stick to it! If you listen to the news, instead of getting frustrated or angry, send positive energy to those situations (after all, that is what will make the most change!)
  • As you head into work, say “I am peace. I am focused. I am balance.”

What else can you add to start your day more balanced and ultimately more productive? Do it!

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey. All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2018