
3 Simple Ways to Reclaim Your Power

It doesn’t matter how successful you are, you can name at least one way you handed over your power and felt awful about it without thinking too hard with your clients, in your relationships, or even with a complete stranger.

You have old patterns and beliefs that allow you to hand over your power in certain situations. It’s almost like clock work. Your trigger happens and you hand over your power, without even realizing it happened.

And then you feel awful.

The key to creating a shift is to recognize that you have the power in each moment to create a new ending, to change how this story goes. In every moment you begin anew.

To create a shift and reclaim your power, these are the 3 things you MUST do in that moment or right after (in case you fell into your old patterns):

# 1 Be Clear

  1. This is where you say what you actually mean to say.
  2. You do what it is that you would like to do.

Stop people pleasing in that moment. This hands your power over on a silver platter. You know where this leads you and it is no longer supporting you.

  • Don’t play small. Don’t fall into those old patterns.
  • Catch yourself in the moment before you speak or act, as the incident is happening or immediately after the incident has happened.
  • Watch your energy exchanges like you are a bystander. The moment you start to feel bad, awful, or icky in an interaction, know that is your signal that you’re handing over your power and it is time to fix it. Immediately.
  • Catch yourself and say and do what you would like to do. If you found yourself handing over your power, your best energy move is to fix it RIGHT away – the moment you realize that you handed over your power.

Communication is the number one way people hand over their power. What will you do differently?

# 2 Hold Boundaries

Boundaries are YOUR way of telling people what is okay and what isn’t. If you don’t tell them, they don’t know. They aren’t mind readers and what is okay for another relationship may not be okay for you.

  • If you are new to drawing boundaries, read this article to help you get started.
  • When someone does not respect your boundaries, then you get to decide how to respond to their future interactions with you. You have the power.

By creating and holding those boundaries you’ve created, you reclaim your power. Who do you need to create boundaries with AND how will you hold those boundaries if they don’t adhere right away?

# 3 Stop Taking Everything Personally

When you think everything is about you – you are handing over your power to so much drama and chaos.

It is time to get objective. This allows you to be clear and realize what is your “junk” and what is someone else’s.

When you step back and get objective, like you’re watching the situation on tv, you can look at what is really going on.

  • Does this have anything to do with you?
  • Are you adding your past experience and triggers to this situation?
  • What is really happening in this other person’s life right now?
  • Is this even about YOU??? Hint, it’s probably not so don’t hand over your power trying to make someone else feel better. It doesn’t work anyhow…

Before you react – pause, breath and then respond. You’ll act more objectively and you’ll stop giving away your power.


The best way to stay in your place of power is to not hand it over in the first place. The next best thing to do is to catch yourself before you hand it over or right after you hand it over and use the tools above to reclaim it.

In every moment, you begin anew. You can change the interaction and reclaim your power. You’re not serving anyone by handing over your power, so stop doing it for YOU.

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If you would like a daily reference guide to help you reclaim your time, relationships, inner game and energy, you can get it here.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned!  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

How to Create Your Meditation Practice

Meditation and energy work are so popular right now because the constant drive and go-go-go mentality leads to stress that is harming your body.

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You can check out what Harvard Health has to say about it here – meditation is an answer.

The problem is that the majority of people can’t meditate on their own, even with all the apps out there, they feel like failures and give up.

Don’t give up! There is a way to meditate and reduce your stress.

I help people who say they can’t meditate weekly at Four Seasons Aviara and I do it daily in my private coaching calls.

It is possible to meditate and feel AMAZING. It is time to take care of you!

Why Meditation Has Become Popular Again

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You are told to meditate when:

  • You are exhausted, overwhelmed and trying to be everything to everyone.
  • You worry all the time.
  • You have the career and money but you aren’t ENJOYING your life. In fact, you are still focused on making more and doing more and you’d like to be more present. Heck – you’re probably being told to be more present.
  • You’re not sleeping at night on your own without assistance. You are wired and can’t fall asleep!
  • Your doctor wants you to get your stress level down and it helps with many disease processes (I hear this from my new meditation participants weekly at Four Seasons Aviara.)

You can absolutely go to meditation to help you calm and center, but there’s a reason why you’re struggling to meditate on your own – even with all the apps and different modalitites out there.

Why is Meditation so Hard?

Meditation will help you be present, if you have the tools to actually do it on your own.

These are the two struggles I find people have:

  1. You don’t or can’t stop, pause and breathe, or take a moment to “be” so trying to do it on your own without support is like going to the gym without a trainer – very few are that disciplined to meditate on their own.
  2. When you actually stop and pause – all the thoughts and messages your body tries to give you that are ignored all the time rush in during your meditation. Then you feel like a failure because you’re overwhelmed with messages and distractions, not a peaceful experience.
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  • Notice what is driving that pain in your neck or back.
  • Why did you just explode at that person?
  • What is driving your success?

You need more than meditation.

You need an energy work practice.

Start an Energy Work Practice

I have been leading guided, energy healing meditations in my business since 2002 and in high end spas since 2015.

Combining energy work with meditation is very powerful right now because you have to do MORE than a basic MEDITATION, especially when you first start out or it won’t work for you.

You have to train your mind and body and listen to your spirit. When did you last do that?

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Think about it:

  • You are overwhelmed, stressed and at your breaking point.
  • You don’t have the energy or the knowledge of how to sit and be.
  • You’re easily distracted by noises, thoughts, body aches, and things to do. Fears are running rampant.

But you’re going to overcome all that at will, sit down for let’s just say 5 minutes and meditate.

It won’t happen and that’s how you fail.

Daily energy work is what’s really missing and it’s simple and easy to do.

Listen to the messages your mind, body and soul are telling you. They are intentional. They will help guide you on your perfect path. Stop ignoring them.

If you make time to listen throughout the day to the messages you are receiving, they will stop interrupting you during your meditation practice and those intuitive visions will come when you are awake, and stop waking you when you are sleeping. Brilliant, right!

How to Combine Energy Work with Your Meditation

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Everyone has time for meditation.

The more you meditate, the better you will feel physically and mentally.

Start with setting a timer for at least five minutes once a day and then move to twice a day.

Sit comfortably, so you can focus on your meditation, not the discomforts of your body.

Start by bringing the White Light through your body. Imagine it entering your crown (top of your head), going down your face, your neck, to your chest and back, to your stomach, to your hips, to your thighs, to your knees, down your legs, into your feet, and into the Earth.

Take three deeps breaths. When you breathe in, breathe in the White Light or a soft pastel color. When you exhale, release any tension in your body.

At this point, let your mind go blank.

Use an “I am” statement as a start to your meditation. This can be your focus for your meditation. Then imagine pastel colors, a serene place in nature, a bird, or whatever pops into your mind that relaxes you.

Go with the flow of what you are seeing and experiencing. If you start trying to think about what you are experiencing, move past the words. Do not give them power by thinking about quieting them. Just imagine you are floating away from them or focus on what you are seeing. If you feel pain in your body, you have letting go to do there.

The mind does not understand meditating. It does understand categorizing things and it tries to analyze what you are doing: “why am I here, why am I seeing this image, what should I do with this image?” Then the meditation is long gone and you are in your mind again. Do not allow your mind to have power in your meditation, just move away from its thoughts and return to your “I am” statement and pastel color.

When you are done, take a few deep breaths.

“I am love. I am safe. I am whole. I am ___________.” All is well.

Open your eyes when you are ready.

By combining energy work into your meditation practice, you will instantly feel better – at peace and ease.

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Meditation is calming and centering. It will help you reduce your stress.

The best way to start your meditation practice is to add energy work into it.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.   All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019

4 Must Have Boundaries

Boundaries are essential. They protect you without energetically building walls and forts.

I hear so often that people are afraid to set boundaries, they don’t want to impose on others or they don’t even know that they can set boundaries…and they feel powerless.

Here’s the thing – if you don’t set boundaries people do not know what is okay or how you would like to be treated. Most people are not mind readers.

Boundaries are a form of self-respect, worth and value. If you keep finding yourself struggling and getting triggered by the same things, I guarantee you that you don’t have boundaries in place.

Think of boundaries as guidelines for people to know what you expect in your relationships with them.

These are the 4 Must Have Boundaries to put into place right now:

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#1 For Your Time

Time is your most precious resource and the number one thing I hear people need more of. We all have the same amount of hours in the day, what differs is how we spend those hours and if we spend them HOW we want to spend them.

Set a boundary: Create a schedule for your work and personal time and adhere to it. When people come to you outside of your work hours for work, let them know when you will be able to help them.

The same is true with your personal time. Schedule in time with the people you want to see and make sure you block out time for YOU to recharge.

Also set boundaries around your social media time as well – you know that can be a huge time drain!

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#2 For Your Relationships

Relationship problems or drama can so easily steer you out of balance.

By creating boundaries in your relationships it lets people know what behavior is okay and what is not. A lot of times, people do not know what the boundaries are because you have not set any. What is a problem for you may be okay with someone else.

Many relationship problems stem from people being upset at how they are being treated, but they continually let it happen – change this by setting a boundary!

Set a boundary: If you don’t know how to set boundaries with the people in your life, start by paying attention to what TRIGGERS you in your relationships. That is where you need to tell people not to do that behavior.

You can ask people not to do something, not hang out with them or give the relationship space. Make sure you hold firm to the boundaries, otherwise there is no point in setting them. You can still be around them and take the tips from #3 – don’t take on their energy.

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#3 For Your Energy

Do you have people or situations that drain you? You feel completely exhausted after them – that’s because they are draining your energy and you are letting it happen.

Set a boundary: Instead, know that they can do whatever they want energetically, but you imagine their energy bouncing right off of you and back to them. You do not do this in a mean or malicious way, rather an indifferent way. You simply do not let their energy imprint on you or have an effect on you.

It is like you are a mirror and it bounces off of you and right back onto them in the same way they gave it to you, allowing you to keep your energy balanced.

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#4 For Your Abundance

Abundance is a powerful energy providing you with miracles, synchronicity and support. Do not let people trample on your abundance or take advantage of you.

Abundance is more than money. It is love, opportunities, support, relationships, and basically anything that is appearing in your life at this moment.

Set a boundary: Most people need to create boundaries around not allowing people into your life that just want to drain your abundance.

Sometimes that includes your past beliefs, patterns and expectations that are no longer serving you so notice where you are preventing your own abundance.

Do not give out your abundance to things you do not believe in or because you feel you have to, do it when you want to or feel inspired instead.

It is time for you to take back your power in these areas.

Boundary setting absolutely goes both ways, so make sure you respect the boundaries that others set with you. If someone is setting a boundary, they have a reason for it. Something has happened that has made this boundary important, whether it was something someone else has done or something you have done.

Respect other’s boundaries just as you would like them to respect yours.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019

4 Steps to Heal Your Success Wound

-How to balance it all so you can actually have it all!

What I hear from successful, high-level entrepreneurs, they:

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  • Don’t feel they have it all
  • Worried all the time about work, retirement, family, friends
  • Not focused on what they have – constantly focused on next goal
  • Overwhelmed, exhausted, feel trapped in this lifestyle

Successful entrepreneurs out there – do you FEEL like you have it all?

The majority of people I talk to say, “No.” I find they are very focused on what they don’t have, even if they have 6+ figures sitting in the bank.

You cannot continue to up-level in your business with your Success Wound driving you.

Step 1 – What is Your Success Wound?

This is YOUR energetic drive for more. No matter how much money and success is already in your life – it is never enough.

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Your Success Wound keeps PUSHING you to:

  • Make more
  • Create more
  • Do more
  • Be more
  • More, more, more

Can you relate to that? I bet you can!

Your Success Wound™ HAD a purpose. It did drive you and got you to where you are today.


  • You absolutely love your work, it is your PASSION.
  • You are overwhelmed & exhausted. There is no time or ENERGY for life outside of work.
  • You have more money, more success and more impact but something is “off”.
  • You are not fulfilled and definitely are not living the entrepreneur lifestyle you dreamed you would be living.

Your Success Wound™ PREVENTS you from enjoying your success. The drive that once fueled you is no longer working or supporting you in your goals. It now prevents you from ENJOYING YOUR SUCCESS.

Step 2 – 4 Ways to Create Balance & True Fulfillment in your Life

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In all my calls and sessions through the years, these are the 4 areas that entrepreneurs are struggling with: time, relationships, abundance and energy.

# 1 –  Reclaim Your Time

Funny how you become an entrepreneur to have control of what you do, when you do it and who you get to work with and then you don’t have enough time.

It is time to RECLAIM your TIME. You do this by:

  • Creating a work day schedule and sticking to it (no working outside those hours!)
  • Having a morning routine that starts your day in balance
  • Pause midday to eat lunch (not a working lunch with meetings and emails) but time to reflect on your day and course correct
  • Schedule in the people you want to spend time with
  • Schedule in a walk or exercise each day
  • Create a bedtime routine (you had one when you were younger and it worked!)

The problem is that when you try to cram too much into a day it literally feels like it flies by. By beginning and ending your day with routines that help you calm, center and balance your energy and implementing in some of the tips above, you won’t feel like time is rushing by you.

# 2 – Reclaim Your Relationships

The number one complaint I hear about is not having enough time, but when your relationships aren’t working or falling apart…this is when people come to me for support and guidance.

Relationships are important. They are your community and support. And if we’re being really honest, you do not want to be alone.

The problem so many successful entrepreneurs have is that so much energy goes into work, there is not enough time and energy left for anything else.

Make sure you are making time to:

  • Do things for you – things that nourish you and that you enjoy
  • Spend making memories with people you actually want to be around

Stop searching and find relationship fulfillment here.

# 3 – Reclaim Your Abundance & Inner Game

This is more than money – this is what drives you. This is where your Success Wound is constantly telling you that you need more, more, more!

Your abundance is typically driven by fears of not having enough, being enough, or doing enough. Here’s the thing, fears and abundance do not go together. Fears are coming from a place of lack and abundance comes from a place of plenty.

You have to get control of whatever is telling you that what you are doing is not enough, otherwise you will find yourself unfulfilled and burned out. You didn’t come this far to stop now. Reclaim your abundance mindset!

# 4 – Reclaim Your Energy

Yes, you are tired. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. At your breaking point. I know, I hear it ALL the time! This is how you know it is time to do something different. You cannot continue at this pace.

Listen to your body, it guides you and tells you when to rest, play, eat and work.

Stop trying to cram too much into your day. Create an energy work practice that supports you and helps you balance and center as needed throughout the day.

Step 3 – What is it ENERGETICALLY that keeps you operating from your Success Wound™?

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Your Success Wound™ starts in your CHILDHOOD.

Energetically you either:

  • Came in with this belief.
  • Your family taught you this belief.

Which is it for you?

What happened in YOUR life at an early age to create this drive?

What is the FIRST thing that pops into your mind? Is it that you had to PROVE yourself? Do you feel worthy? Do you feel like you are enough? Do you do enough?

How can you take care of yourself – not just external things but internal too. You have to become aware of the energy that is driving you. This is your why. But the question is – is this still valid?

Your Success Wound™ is showing up energetically in your life right now, in this moment.

Knowing what caused your Success Wound™, how is it also affecting your:

  • Business
  • Relationships
  • Energy (worthy, enough, exhausted, overwhelmed)

It is important to get to the root of what is driving you to do more, create more, be more. More, more, more.

It is different for each person, but it usually stems around proving yourself. “I’ll show you.” Right? But since this is no longer working and supporting you, your business or those around you – it is time to LET IT GO.

Step 4 – How to HEAL your Success Wound

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Your Success Wound™ had a purpose. It has gotten you to where you are today. This has been your drive but nothing you do is ENOUGH.

Your Success Wound™ is hurting you because nothing you do is enough and now you are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and unfulfilled.

It is time to feel fulfilled, supported, happy and at peace with your accomplishments. You keep hitting goals and you’ve been so focused on what is next that you don’t realize where you are now. You do not appreciate your success, you focus on what you still have to do.

Appreciate where you are and where you came from. You have more money. You have more success. You have more impact.

Stop focusing on external things and focus on what is internally driving you. Give yourself permission to heal your Success Wound™. It is time:

  1. Create a safe space with White Light.
  2. Let it go.
  3. Refill your thoughts and body with positive “I am” statements.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am enough.
  • I am love.

4. Create healthy boundaries.

You can also check out this article I wrote with more details on 3 Self-Sabotaging Patterns that Cripple Your Revenue & Relationships. This is another layer of this article.

Now that you know what was driving you, you can name it, claim it and change it. Success can be fulfilling in ALL areas of your amazing life.

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Ready for some support to heal your Success Wound™? You can book a Connection Call with Lisa to see what program will best support you to heal your Success Wound™ so you can LOVE this amazing life you’ve been so busy creating.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019

Creating Boundaries with Your Work

When you’re overwhelmed, you may not feel like you have the energy to create boundaries, you’re just trying to stay afloat. Energetically, this is the most important time to have them so that you can balance your energy and RECLAIM your power. When you are over-stressed, you aren’t doing your best work.

There are so many ways to create boundaries and through the years I have helped my clients create boundaries that are easy to implement and continue to use. Otherwise, if it’s too much work or too hard, you’re not going to do it.

One of the most important things that have helped my clients create boundaries is to realize what you are missing out on by not creating them. Every time you say YES to something, you are saying NO to something else. The no is usually to you and your self care because that is what will get pushed to the bottom of the priorities, after all there are only so many hours in the day.

Boundaries in the work place depend on your job and your actual job requirements. Many people often feel obligated to take on more work and for some it is part of the job.

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Are you taking on too much?

  • How “on call” are you after hours? Is this required or something you do because you love to work or feel you have to?
  • How many hours constitute your work day? 8 hours? 10? 12? How long are you supposed to work and how long do you work? Are they part of your job or do you take them on because you feel you have to?
  • When you leave work, do you actually leave work or are you still working?
  • Do you take a lunch or do you feel you have so much work to do that you have to work through it?
  • How do you feel in your work environment? What does your relationships with your co-workers look like?
  • How easily do you fall asleep on your own at night? This is a very important question! Can you fall asleep on your own or do you need help to fall asleep because you can’t shut your mind off because you are so focused on your work?

What changes are within your power at work to create? Do you want to make any changes?

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Easy boundaries to create at work to take care of YOU:

  • Take your LUNCH. It gives you time to fuel your body, check in with anything outside of work and it gives you space to re energize and come back to work re-focused.
  • Don’t check work email an hour before you go to bed. This gives you time to start a bedtime routine to help you fall asleep on your own.
  • Any ideas for the next day that are keeping you from sleeping, write them all down on a piece of paper and imagine them leaving your mind. You have them written down, you can access them again in the morning, assess their priority and add into your schedule as needed.
  • Start your day with a good morning routine.
  • Pay attention to what you say yes to. When you take on extra tasks, why are you doing that? Does it help your career or is it just adding more to your plate and to do list. Remember, what are you going to say “no” to.
  • Stay away from workplace DRAMA. There are no winners in drama, it is an energy warp.
  • When you find yourself taking on other people’s energy, in your mind, say, “no thank you!” Do not build walls to “protect” yourself. I spend a lot of time helping people energetically remove those walls. Instead, imagine as their energy is coming at you energetically saying, “no thank you” and giving it back to them the same way they gave it to you.

Boundaries are totally up to you!

You tell people what is okay and what isn’t by the boundaries you draw. No one is going to tell you to work less, it’s up to you to you to figure out what boundaries are best for you in your role.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.   All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2018