
7 Tips to Have MORE Energy to Get Through Your Workday

Do you hit a dip in your energy at work every day at 3:00? You probably even wake up feeling low energy.

As a high performer that has a tendency to overwork, you’re typically spending more energy than you’re replacing each day.

Think about your energy like you do any of your batteries.

At some point, you stop using the device so it can get a full recharge. When do you do that for your body? And the more important question – when do you let yourself FULLY recharge?

I know what it’s like to overwork and run below empty. I’ve reached my breaking point twice in my career overworking as a high performer. I guide my high performing clients to create sustainable work/life balance in their lives.

7 Tips to Have More Energy to Get Through Your Workday

As you go through this list, note what is the most important to you AND what you don’t think is a priority as well.

1. Have a start time for your workday.

Everyday have a set time or a moment where you actually start working. This should not be when you first wake up. Be intentional when you wake up so you create a calm and balanced start to your day that can only make your productivity even better during your work day.

I have a client that woke up and started thinking about work. She was EXHAUSTED. Now she has a set start day each day and this has been a game changer for her in her productivity and energy levels.

2. Take your breaks.

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I took this picture on a hike. Stop and notice the beauty around you – and notice – it’s NOT working hard!

You are not given breaks to work through them. Obviously if you’re on a roll and knocking things out, that’s not the best time to take a break. BUT when you find yourself getting tired, your mind starts wandering, you’re hungry, need to go to the bathroom, etc. use that time to take a break. Breaks allow you to recharge, reassess what you’re working on and create better results. Take them!

Most of my clients don’t take breaks before working with me. I get it! You get things done and more things appear. There are more things to do than time. But you’re a human, your body cannot sit at the computer for too long – plus your productivity goes down. Breaks are good.

Go for a quick walk. Stop and smell the flowers. Go outside for a minute. Whatever you do – take your breaks!

3. Eat your lunch WITHOUT working.

The majority of my clients either skip lunch altogether and find themselves eating junk at 3 o’clock or they work through lunch.

If you take your lunch break and work through it – you have a working lunch which is okay once in awhile but not everyday.

Lunch is a time to fuel your body, recharge, reassess your day and reprioritze tasks when you come back from lunch with a fresh perspective.

4. Have an end time for your workday.

Having an end time for your workday is essential so you STOP working. If you don’t do this, you’ll find yourself working weird hours and when you shouldn’t be. I can’t tell you the last time I had a client start working with me that had a STOP time on their workday.

What you don’t finish today, you can do tomorrow or another day. You are here for more than your work. Plus when you stop working, you give yourself time to play, recharge, relax, etc and that allows you to come back to work the next day more productive.

It doesn’t matter if the end time is the same everyday or set on certain days. Have an end time. This will help you prevent burnout.

5. Do at least one thing everyday that brings you joy.

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This isn’t my first hot air balloon ride but you can’t tell from the picture. You get to decide what energy you bring to what you do!

I know this is hard for my high performers to even bring to mind when asked what brings them joy, but it’s very necessary. What are you working so hard for?

Again, you are here for more than your work. When work is your hyper focus, it’s hard to know what outside of work would bring you joy or happiness but in order to have work-life balance, there must be a life part happening.

Try new things, do things that make you happy. Play. Have something to do other than work outside your work hours. Give yourself something to look forward to – that’ll help you stop working.

6. Get enough sleep at night.

One of the big areas my high performers try to make up on time is by skipping sleep. As you know, the more sleep you get, the better you feel, the better you respond, the more productive you are.

One of my clients would read instead of sleep once the kids and husband were in bed. It was her time to do something for just her. The problem – she wasn’t getting the sleep she needed at night. The book would pull her in and she’d be up way later than she wanted to be and she was exhausted the next day. That affected her patience, her productivity and was an old pattern she was done repeating. Now she has the tools to get to bed at a time that supports her AND normal hours to read and do things just for her.

Sleep is a great way to recharge your body. Don’t skimp on this. Especially since lack of sleep can add to stress, something else you’re trying to reduce.

7. Make self care a priority.

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One of my favorite ways to recharge and reset – out in nature. I’m hiking in Idyllwood, CA.

Self care is HOW you recharge. This is what stops you from feeling overworked, overwhelmed and exhausted.

I find that a lot of high performers don’t know what counts as self-care. I define it as an activity that gives you energy. It has nothing to do with work or taking care of anyone or anything else. It is purely for you to recharge your energy.

Getting your hair or nails done while checking messages or emails is not going to count. Going for a walk without checking on anything work related does count.

Ideally, I’d love for you to implement every tip I just went over immediately. But I am very realistic since I work with very busy high performers. I’d love for you to pick one thing from this list and start doing that tomorrow. Tell me what you’re going to do tomorrow below, I’m holding you accountable.

Now look at what you didn’t think was a priority from the list above and dive deep and ask yourself why that isn’t a priority for you.

Every tip I gave you is very realistic and every high performer I work with is doing every single one of these things and noticing a huge difference in their lives.

Remember, overworking does not give you more energy. It spends your energy, no matter how much you love your work. The more energy you overuse each day, the less energy you start off with the next morning. This continues to compound until you reach your breaking point or until you burnout. Burnout is completely preventable.

When Everything is Falling Apart & You Don’t Know What to Do

It feels like your world is falling apart and there is nothing you can do to stop it or fix it.

You’ve lost control. You don’t know what to do. You don’t know what your life will look like. You may even feel like you’re losing a part of your identity.

How did I get here?

How do I fix this right now and get back to normal?

Your instinct is to try to put it all back together again as quickly as possible and exactly as it was – but that doesn’t work. It’s still falling apart. You feel lost, hopeless and have no idea what to do.

It feels like everything is stopped – frozen. Time is going by slowly. You don’t know what to do… and you just want to put it back together again. The way it was wasn’t so bad after all…except that it really was if you’re being honest with yourself.

Why Things Fall Apart

While your life may appear to be just fine, underneath it all, you know that you aren’t happy. You haven’t been happy for awhile but you kept doing the same thing hoping for a new result. But it doesn’t work that way, you keep having the same experience instead.

It’s not working as it is, even if it APPEARS to be. The job. The significant other. The volunteering. Your life is off and while it may seem like it’s falling apart, I like to look at it as falling into something new, something better, even if you can’t see that possibility right now.

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Let’s clear this up – if it was working, it wouldn’t fall apart. While it may be difficult to see in the moment, things fall apart so you can step into the new.

The way that things are in your life aren’t right for you anymore and the ONLY way you were going to make a change was if you had to. By everything falling apart, it forces you make the changes you’ve been ignoring, dreading or were unsure how to do. And know this – all is well, even if it doesn’t appear to be in the moment, it is!

What to Do

Flowing through this big change really is KEY. Your routine, goals, plans and certainty is all off.

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  • It’s time for you to do the inner work. Heal the things it is time to heal and refill those areas (like your chest and stomach) with positive energy. Surrender the fear of the unknown.
  • Create new, supportive routines. Often you are stuck in routines just because that’s what you were taught to do, but do routines that are actually SUPPORTING you.
  • Get clarity. What is it you would like to do and who would you like to spend time with. Define what success actually means to you, not your family and start creating YOUR success.
  • Spend time out in nature. Go for a walk, a swim, take your shoes off and connect with nature. It’s amazing how quickly it shifts your energy and helps you connect with your intuition.
  • Trust that EVERYTHING will work out in the best way possible. You are supported! And if you don’t feel supported, hire support for this transition.

Create a Life You Love

Use this shake up to get more focused on loving your life and get less focused on the goals and hustle.

  • Do more things that bring you happiness and joy.
  • Spend time with people that lift you up – and that you lift up as well.
  • Make self-care a priority.
  • Redefine what success means to YOU. When your plan changes, make a new plan!!
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My clients come to me when everything is falling apart and they’re at their breaking point. I’ve helped them through relationship break ups and divorces after 10 to 25 years together and have them dating again. I’ve worked with successful women that were stuck in hustling and being everything to everyone and making under 6 figures to making mid 6 figures and actually enjoying this life they’ve created.

Things fall apart for a reason. You may not know what that reason is at this moment, but at some point you will and it will all make sense. What is it time for you to do differently in your life?

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.

Reset NOW- Rewrite Your Story

What’s your STORY?

The one you tell yourself on REPEAT that holds you back and keeps you from truly loving your life?

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Perhaps it’s, “I’ll be happy after I crush this next goal.” Or, “My relationships don’t last because they keep ________.” Or, “I want to do fun things but I don’t have the time.”

Your story is an old pattern that you PULL into your life, usually when things are going well. It gives you permission to self-sabotage and pull yourself out of the abundance you are receiving. And it keeps you from loving this amazing life you’ve been so busy creating.

This old story doesn’t have to guide you anymore – unless you like being stuck and frustrated that nothing is changing – you have the power to create a new story.

How to Rewrite Your Story

You can’t create a new result with the old story. You have to let the old story go and write a new one and when something comes up where you’d tell yourself the old story, you have to tell yourself your new story instead.

  • What is your story?
  • What happens when you tell yourself this story?
  • What would you like to happen instead?

When things are going well and you start to fall into old patterns and start to self-sabotage:

  1. STOP immediately. Catch yourself in the pattern and release it by saying, “I’m not doing this anymore.” Let the past go. You can take what you learned from the experience WITHOUT carrying the energy of the experience.
  2. Focus on what is working well and be truly grateful for the amazing experiences that are happening in your life right now – like the thing you were just trying to self-sabotage. Being grateful brings you into the present moment and this is where your power is. Right here, right now!
  3. Shift the energy that is creating your experiences. Create an energy practice to help you reduce your stress and have more balance. Energy affects everything. The better place you are in energetically, the less likely this old story will appear.
  4. Rewrite your NEW story. When that old story appears, this is what you do:

Appreciate your experience, everything happens for a reason:

When __________happened, it was a journey for me to ____________. I am grateful for this experience. I let it go and I am free. Now I will only tell my NEW version of the story.

My NEW story is:

Because of ____________ (my experience) it allowed me to ___________ (grow, stand in my power, express myself, etc.). I am stronger because of this experience and now I can _______ (what good came to you because of your experience).

I am____________.

Going forward, focus on the positive from the experience. What you learned, what skills you now take with you, and how you are a better person because of this. If any negativity comes up, you have more clearing and letting go to do until you can tell the story without falling back onto the pain, hurt, etc.

Lisa's live event in March 2021. Clients wrote what they're grateful for from their experiences.

What new story will you write today?

Just because you’ve been following an old story doesn’t mean it is the right story for you anymore. You can shift and create a new story for any scenario in your life at any time. All you have to do is be ready!

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.

From Exhausted to Energized: How Working with a Spiritual Medium Changed Everything

As a Spiritual Medium, most of my clients come to me when they’re at their breaking point. You know – when what you’re doing is physically no longer working, you don’t know what to do and something HAS to change right NOW.

I started working with one of my private clients (that I am keeping anonymous, like I do all of my private clients) a little over two years ago. She wasn’t new to healers or energy work. She was building her business but that was all she was doing – working ALL the time.

She wasn’t spending time with her family, she wasn’t taking care of her body and dating was completely out of the picture.

She was stuck in a vicious cycle of feast or famine and didn’t have the time or energy to change the patterns she was stuck in.

Career driven women often have the same struggle:

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  • Working all hours of the day
  • Working through weekends and those vacations you live for
  • You’re tired and don’t have energy or time for your relationships
  • It doesn’t matter what goals, income or titles you’ve acquired, you are hustling and immediately onto the next goal
  • Your body takes the back seat and you find yourself getting sick more often or having more injuries
  • You’re not enjoying this amazing life you’ve created

We Began to Heal her Success Wound

The first thing we did was address the Generational Patterns from her mom that were energetically driving her but no longer serving her and feeding her Success Wound. She was proving “I am love”, “I am worthy” and “I am enough” in every area of her life. This came off as her being needy and clingy. She wasn’t attracting abundance, quality clients or men.

Her mom was never around and she was creating the same environment for her kids.

We created boundaries around the hours she would work, a process to only attract in perfect clients, created a schedule for her to workout, time for her to spend with family and friends, vacations at times in each quarter where she could actually get away and she started DATING someone she was intuitively introduced to and magnetically drawn to.

But the REAL changes came from the energy work. I helped her get on her best path and cleared and reprogramed her energy once a week in her private session. She has been to all my live events in the last year that have helped her up-level in a group environment.

She has learned how to balance her energy and specific energy work and abundance practices that she does every day. This has shifted the clients she now attracts and she has a thriving business AND a lifestyle she loves.

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Are you struggling and at your breaking point? Then working with a Spiritual Medium is your fastest path to a complete turn around to transform your life into the one you envision.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

5 Things You Should NOT Casually Ask a Spiritual Medium

You are so tempted to know what we’re seeing, reading, feeling and what we KNOW.

I get it but it takes energy for a Medium to tune in, read it and explain it to you.

One question is NEVER just one question.

I guarantee you’ll have a pile of questions, the venue is not appropriate for the work we do and you are not honoring our career, energy or time.

Remember, this is what the Medium gets PAID to do.

You’re asking for it for free and that is not okay from anyone ever. It’s like going up to a doctor at a restaurant with his family and asking him for a diagnosis. Then for a treatment protocol. Then another diagnosis and so on.

When you randomly ask a Spiritual Medium or any Medium these questions you are not respecting that this is their work and what they get paid to do. So PLEASE stop casually asking these questions!

The 5 Things You Should NOT Casually Ask a Spiritual Medium:

#1 How’s my energy?

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Don’t do it! If you have to ask, your energy is not on point.

If you are in a good place with your energy, you KNOW.

When you’re in a bad place and you ask, this tells us you’re not going to do anything with our reading anyhow, so there is no point in answering.

If you really want us to read your energy, help you get it aligned and get you on your best path, hire us! Asking this question outside of a session isn’t going to get the results you want anyhow.

#2 Are there any spirits around me?


Every time I get asked that question it draws spirits around you immediately. Especially when the spirit has been trying to show itself to you and you haven’t been able to recognize it.

Outside a session, this is not a question to ask as it will stir up things for you, guaranteed and make you CRY!

Again, this is something that has to be done in session, where you feel safe and supported so you can heal and connect with your loved ones that have crossed over. Not at a party. Not when you meet a Medium and you’re not working with them. Only in session.

#3 Am I on the right path?

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Look at #1 again! If you are asking this, you are not honoring a Medium’s time. How can we easily and quickly answer this question? We can’t.

If you are being really honest, you know if you’re on your path or not. You don’t need anyone to tell you. You feel the answer in your energy, mood, finances, and overall joy of life.

Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to. We can help you with so much, let’s work on the bigger stuff and actually get you on your right path.

#4 Is there anything you want to tell me?

The answer to this is NO!

If I wanted to tell you something, I would have been guided to do it in a very light and gentle way already. You don’t have to ask, we are guided.

Mediums are ALWAYS on. We don’t have an off switch. We read the energy of the event before we decide to go, the energy of the room and your energy before you even talk to us.

If we aren’t working with you in a session or we haven’t already said something we were guided to say, we aren’t going to voluntarily offer a reading – even if you ask us. Remember, our work takes a lot of energy.

#5 What do you think about __________?

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These are questions for sessions only! Yes I can read your energy. Yes I know the answer in a second.

But they will trigger things in you and it shouldn’t be done outside of a session.

This is going to lead to a ton of questions, just like everything above this.

Instead, pay to work with me and the results will be beyond anything you expected. But you won’t get that just randomly asking the questions above. Especially since those situations are not private, quiet and don’t allow you to do the work as deeply.

I am confident that I speak for all the Mediums and Psychics in your life. If you want the answers, hire the support. It is transformational and up-leveling when you work with a Medium that is BORN with their gifts. If they aren’t born with them, they aren’t a Medium.

Note: I offer programs instead of a session here and there because I am here to help you breakthrough old beliefs, balance you energy and up-level your success. I do that by helping you clear, balance and align your energy. When you heal one layer, another layer appears to be healed. You’ve lived millions of lives, one session is only going to address what you’re dealing with at that moment.

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The best way to get your head, energy and life on point is in a program that will support you throughout the year as you hit different triggers and experiences.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

My Unique and Untold Career Path as a Spiritual Medium

I was born a Spiritual Medium and it has affected every aspect of my life.

Growing up, I didn’t know a thing about my unique abilities as a Medium, coaching wasn’t around yet and I liked writing but becoming an author wasn’t on my radar.

My current reality wasn’t even an option. It didn’t exist to me!

I knew I wanted to help people heal and it has been a journey to do the work I do today.

How it all began…

Creating My Career

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When I was in 6th grade, I had to write a paper about what I wanted to do when I grew up.

I remember tuning in to what do I want to be when I grow up in my 6th grade classroom for my paper. I wanted to be a nurse. I immediately saw a Red Cross truck and knew I wanted to go to Europe and help with the war.

That was it. I felt the energy, I was connected to it and I saw it clearly. I was going to be a nurse. Except…

I Was Seeing a Past Life

There was no war when I was in 6th grade for me to go to Europe to support. That should have been a sign to me!

My yearbook is filled with good luck in nursing school messages. I had the grades, I had the drive and ambition but I was seeing another life. Unfortunately, I didn’t know it at the time.

A life where my husband went off to war and I left our kids to join the Red Cross and help the soldiers with the mission of finding my husband. Which I didn’t do – but I did know him in high school in this life – he was fascinated with Germany and I was not interested in dating anyone in the military. Everything comes back around so we can heal and I did.

I went to nursing school thinking I would be a Hospice Nurse and help with the transition during death for everyone involved. It seemed like a perfect fit but there wasn’t much hospice experience and I HATED clinicals.

I would find myself on the bed talking to my patients about what brought them to the hospital, what problems they had in their life and helped them create a plan to get back to the life they originally envisioned.

– None of this was nursing and nurses don’t have time to do this kind of work. They are very overworked on the floor.

Everything Changed in One Exam

In my senior year with TWO classes to go, planning my Hospice Nursing Career and move to San Diego I FAILED my nursing final.

Failing a final is weighted to fail the whole class since it’s all about being prepared for the NCLEX.

Lisa book signing at an event in July 2019

Mind you, I was an A/B student. I had never failed a test like this in my life.

As we were walking out of the exam, my study buddy (this is a real thing in nursing school) couldn’t believe I didn’t remember a single question from the test as we had studied it all together and knew all the answers. I remember her looking at me with panic in her eyes.

I told her that during the test I felt like I was floating. I kept hearing, “It’ll be okay.” I remember looking around the room. Wanting to go to the bathroom and not being able to focus on a single question.

I got the results the next day from my study buddy – I failed.

At first I was in shock – but not really. I was more concerned about what I would do now. All of my college classes were nursing school focused.

I didn’t want to wait 2 quarters and retake the class. I was being pulled to live in San Diego and when I really surrendered and tuned in to my work, I saw myself doing coaching work like my aunt was in San Jose.

I left nursing school my senior year much to my family’s dismay and began something they didn’t understand.

Claiming My Abilities & Starting My Career

Looking back, it was CRAZY what I did starting my business in 2002. I listened to what I was being guided to do intuitively and no one could tell me otherwise – although they all tried.

Lisa working at a mastermind in San Diego in February 2020.


There was no social media and I had just moved across country from Columbus, Ohio to San Diego. I only knew my uncle, his girlfriend and her family. Luckily I was very guided.

When I said I was a coach they asked volleyball or basketball because of my height. Coaching was so new in 2002.

At first I partnered up and was going after work in organizations. But I preferred the individual and supporting them in letting go and clearing their energy.

I finished my degree after beginning again almost from scratch. I got my Bachelors degree from California State University San Marcos and had a 4.0 every semester! My degree focused on communication, sociology and psychology – all subjects relevant to the work I do today.

I stepped into my power, my abilities, I built a clientele basis and a following.

Creating My Programs

After 15 years of a session here, a session there or small mini packages, I was frustrated. The work I was doing wasn’t moving them forward, they were not getting enough to support to move forward. It was more of a fix me right now session.

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I realized that in order to truly create the change my clients were seeking and support them, I had to offer packages. While a session made them feel amazing, the programs help them reach their goals and up-level their lives quickly and easily.

You are here and that means you are healing stuff.

Healing layers of old hurt, past lives, family patterns and more is what you are here to do. You’ll clear out some in one session. But when you’re looking at millions of lives and only being able to clear what YOU are ready to heal in this moment, that is not the work of one session here, one session there.

Programs give you the support and scheduled sessions to up-level your energy and your experiences. The shifts are powerful!

Being a Spiritual Medium Today

I don’t come across people in my life that don’t believe in what I do anymore. They exist but they aren’t in my vibration.

I do have family that still isn’t exactly sure what I do and with them I get to be on break. They don’t pull on me or ask anything of me energetically.

My clients however, they are drawn to me.

I have found my path and the nursing education helps me when my clients have health issues to see what is happening physically and energetically.

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I am grateful for the experiences that have led me to where I am now. The work I do is powerful and life changing. While I took the career path less traveled, it was exactly what I was guided to do.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

An Insider’s Look at My Work as a Spiritual Medium

You’re either drawn to psychics and mediums or you’re not. There is no gray area but when you love them – you LOVE them.

Mediums are also psychics and are here to help you with something big in your life. Whether it’s connecting with someone that has crossed over or healing your energy, the work is more powerful because the way medium’s read, see, feel and work with energy.

If you google mediumship, most of us don’t tell you exactly what we do. We think you just know but we use our abilities in different ways.

I wrote about how I became aware of my abilities as a Spiritual Medium. Now I’m pulling back my curtain and telling you exactly what I can do with my abilities in my work as a Spiritual Medium.

1. My Abilities as a Spiritual Medium

I See Spirits and Energy


While I can see, feel, hear and read the messages spirits give me, this is a small portion of the work I do as a Spiritual Medium.

My work isn’t in solving crimes or doing all the communication for you. It’s in helping you connect with them yourself so you can talk with them whenever.

I energetically bring you together in the same space, help you communicate with them directly (which is always the best way) with your newfound abilities and I help you heal anything that is lingering or unsaid.

The spirits always appear. They may not stay long but they always give a message and want you to know how to recognize them when they come back – whether it’s a feeling, a knowing, seeing or hearing them. You have the ability to connect with them too and I help you do that.


Providing mini sessions at an event I energetically supported in San Diego, November 2019

Energy is anything that gives off energy – people, plants, animals, the Earth.

I have the ability to become ONE with energy. I can feel energy that has been put onto something or someone such as a curse, worrying, or negative energy. I also feel the energy you are storing in your body in my body until it is cleared and aligned. I can also experience your past lives (you’ve had millions of them.)

Typically you store energy until you feel stuck or at your breaking point. I help you reset your energy and tap into your abilities so you can do it as well. I teach you to become aware of the things that are affecting your energy and others like:

  • The energy you are giving off
  • Your energy exchanges
  • Entities, negative energies, vampires, demons (whatever you like to call them – they’re all the same) that you allow to attach to you or come into your space
  • The energy you have stored in your body from this life or a past life experience
  • The energy you have taken on to “help” (but not really) others with their problems
  • What raises and lowers your energy vibration
  • What you store in your body when you’re angry and frustrated to “deal” with later and you never do.
  • Anything that negatively impacts you, your decisions, and how you feel.

To sum it up, I basically work in balancing your energy and getting you back to your natural state – a place of light and love. Added bonus – I do all of this remotely.

I am an Energy Healer

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I see the energy you store, fragment and are ready to heal.

I do this by pulling you out victimhood, self-sabotage, unhealthy patterns, old beliefs, generational energy patterns, negative energy and anything else that tries to lower your vibration.

It starts with getting to the root of the energy that’s guiding you and then clearing out how it is manifesting in your body and your reality. Then we reprogram that area with positive energy and tell the mind what to focus on instead. You become aware of what you’re creating with your thoughts, words and patterns.

You feel like you had a massage but you were never touched. You feel free. Supported. Balanced. And most importantly, you learn what to do to reset your energy and mindset!

I am Psychic

I am psychic but I don’t call myself one because I have no interest in doing psychic readings. There is no power in that for you. That is why I combine my intuitive abilities with coaching and am a Mindset and Energy Coach – to empower YOU!

  • I use my psychic abilities to see your best path and help you get back on it.
  • I can read the people and situations in your life and help you get more objective and clearly see what is going on.
  • I can see your path choices, how things can go, what you should focus on and what it is time for you to heal.
  • I see what you are creating with your thoughts, words and actions and how to shift your reality to what you originally envisioned for yourself.

Free will is always there so my work is about teaching you how to navigate your life and tune into your own intuition, become aware of your gifts and listen to your body.

2. How I Work

I am Always Ready and On

With my abilities, I don’t have any prep that I have to do. I just tune into you and I’m there reading your energy, knowing what I’m here to help you with and ready to go once you tell me what you would like help with. It always comes back to me empowering you.

  • I can work remotely without ever seeing what you look like, what you do or who you are. In 2000 I worked with people on the phone without ever seeing them.
  • I have clients around the world that I don’t work with in person. Most of my work is through video conferencing.
  • I don’t have to see you to read your energy. I don’t research you or touch you. I prefer to not know a thing about you so it doesn’t taint what I’m seeing.
  • I don’t have to have any of your belongings or anyone else’s.
  • I just tune in, read the energy and feel what you are storing in your body. I know what is bothering you and why.
  • When I am working at a mastermind or event and I do individual work, with permission I will hold your hands to align you faster to accommodate our 15 or 30 minute time frame.

It is all about healing what it is time to heal and raising your energy vibration.

I Work in Light

My live event in November 2019 at Four Seasons Aviara

I am constantly in a beam of White Light. If I hear a voice it comes from the light and I hear it very clearly.

All the energy healing I do comes from the light. I am a channel for it. I don’t speak with angels and guides. I am not wired that way. I go straight up and I simply connect and know.

I Know Who to Work with and When

While I am always on and constantly reading energy, I have learned to only pay attention when I’m supposed to help someone with something. This means, I ignore a lot of the things I see and read because I’m not supposed to do anything with it.

I can only help when I am asked to help. You have to be ready.

Some people want to stay where they are. Some people like being stuck. Those aren’t my people. My people are career driven (majority women) at or near their breaking point that are ready to reset and get back to the lifestyle they originally envisioned.

I Empower You through Coaching

Coaching is my method of delivering my abilities because it empowers you and puts you in control of your experience.

I don’t want anyone dependent on me or any other healer, medium or psychic for a decision. You have intuitive abilities – listen to them!

I teach simple practices that are easy to do and the results my clients get are amazing!

While a session here and there was a huge part of my work for over 15 years, now I only work in programs. Why? Because a session here and there while amazing wasn’t helping you move forward. It was just a band aide until you reached a trigger that threw you completely off. By working with me for a set period of time, not only do we hit your goals but you have support for the different triggers you experience throughout the year so you keep up-leveling.

Whether it is hitting 60k months (some of my clients have 100k + months), leaving an abusive relationship, or helping my clients completely reset their lives to get back on track – they get back to their goals and to the original lifestyle they envisioned for themselves.

That doesn’t happen with a session here and there. It’s a commitment. It’s an up-leveling. It’s healing and freeing. It’s the long term work that I am here to teach you and support you with. The results are amazing and life changing.

Balance is Everything

I not only teach balance but I LIVE it!

Energy work at a live event on the beach in Spring 2019


I work with individuals and groups of all sizes. I become one with energy individually and in a group setting and know what to do to help you reset. My work is helping you get your head, energy and life on point.

It wasn’t an easy journey to get to where I am today in my career. Being a Spiritual Medium is absolutely about healing the energy in me so I can do the same for you. I do the energy work I teach every day throughout the day as needed. I also thrive because of my morning and evening routines.

The work I do is physically exhausting. I have to be in a good place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Boundaries and communication are important in my work. I balance my schedule, eat enough protein, have clear boundaries and make self-care a daily priority.

Balance is key for you too. How different would your life be if you were grounded, focused, aligned and empowered? Imagine being successful in all areas of your life. That’s what I help you do! Here’s a videoI made that talks about the different types of mediums, what I do as a Spiritual Medium and how I found my balance.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

Becoming a Spiritual Medium

People are fascinated with mediums – what we see, what we can do, what we know.

Mediums see, feel, know and experience things differently than what society teaches us.

We are your link to remembering your truths, healing, and stepping into your power.

Like other mediums, Spiritual Mediums can communicate with spirits but our work is with energy healing. We have a unique ability to clear, heal and work with energy.

Spiritual Mediums are BORN.

You can’t become a Spiritual Medium with training, energy work and certifications. We come into this life with our intuitive abilities and gifts and become aware of them when it’s time – even though we’re using them before we even know what we’re doing.

We also use our abilities in our special way, so no two mediums are the same. We each have our unique purpose and healing abilities for our people.

Becoming the Spiritual Medium is a journey and it helps us step into our unique abilities. Here is my healing journey…


For as long as I can remember, people have told me their problems.


They saw me and began to dump. Family, friends, strangers – it didn’t matter. I always knew what to say or do to help them.

In elementary school, I remember spending my walk to and from school and my playground time with friends that were struggling.

I could see their “situation” like I was watching it on tv and I would help them get more objective and create a plan to fix it.

Seeing Spirits and Energy

I didn’t know that I could see spirits or energy until a Paranormal Investigator came to my house when I was 9. She came to put the spirit into White Light and when she came and started talking about the spirit I realized I could see it too.

Immediately a blur of memories shot through my head as I realized I’d been seeing the spirit all along. I had been able to see her. I just didn’t know what it was until someone said this is a spirit. Just like your mind being told this is a table, this is a chair. This is a spirit. Then I could categorize it and do something with it.

It’s the same with energy. This is what White Light is. This is what a curse and negative energy looks like. Until I could label it and categorize it, my mind couldn’t process it but the moment I knew what it was, I could see it all around me and in other people.

The Paranormal Investigator showed me what she did to clear the energy but it was cumbersome and relied on physical artifacts. A seed blessed from a pope. Crystals over doors. While that can work, there are situations where you will be out and not have those things or even worse you’ll lose them and not feel protected.

But if you can believe in the artifacts, you can skip the artifacts and work directly with the energy. I don’t use artifacts and I teach people to do what I do – work directly with the energy.

Energy Basics

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Energy responds to energy. Energy shifts quickly and there was a simpler and more powerful way to:

Teaching you how to easily and simply move energy is one of my abilities.

As well as knowing if you actually cleared a space, released a negative energy attached to you, communicated with a spirit or if you have something manipulating your energy. I know because I have the ability to become one with energy and within my body I feel it, sense it, see it and read it. There is no pretending it is gone. I know when it is actually gone.

Energy Healing

I could pick up on what people were feeling, the energy they were giving off and what was wrong. I didn’t understand how to clear energy and reprogram the space until I had my experience with a Mayan Shaman and Reiki Attunements. Then I immediately remembered and knew what to do…

Energy is Stored and Must be Cleared

When I was 20, I did some work with a Mayan Shaman to heal some issues I was holding onto that was directly affecting my relationships.

Immediately once he started to go into my energy, I could see where I was holding energy, beliefs, fears, family stuff, other life experiences and more in my body. I knew what I had to do to release it. I remember looking into the Mayan Shaman’s eyes and knowing that he couldn’t help me. He knew it too.

He was simply there to help me remember. Not only could I do this for myself, but I can physically feel in my body what people are holding onto, why and what they have to do to release it. I feel it in my body until it is clear in theirs.

Refilling with Positive Energy

I was able to turn my abilities off and ignore them until I started my Reiki attunements. With my Reiki 1 Attunement I instantly felt the alignment in my chakra system. It felt like I was connecting and aligning.

I am aware that I am constantly in a beam of light now. I realized the piece missing in the energy clearing was refilling that space with positive energy.

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Everything intensified when I went to see some family in California. The moment we arrived at the beach – I was turned on. Permanently. I could see surfers in the water that my boyfriend (now husband) and aunt couldn’t see, I could see the energy around people, the energies they were carrying, what they were thinking, what they were supposed to be doing and weren’t…it was OVERWHELMING.

I reached out to my mom who reached out to the Reiki community to find out what happened to me. They had no idea. Their solution was for me to turn it off!

How could I turn it off? I didn’t turn it on! All I did was go to the beach and in that moment, my life changed forever.

I was aligned and connected in a way I hadn’t been before. I fully stepped into what I am here to do. It led me down a different career path and I had the piece that was missing, refilling with positive energy.

My journey began in my childhood and my awareness of being a Spiritual Medium started when I was 20. My career began later in 2002.

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I am a Spiritual Medium but if you saw me on the street, you would have NO idea. I’m a regular person with what my clients call “super powers”.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020


I don’t have TIME.

What you’re really saying:

  • I don’t have boundaries.
  • I don’t prioritize.
  • I can’t say no.
  • What I want to do isn’t important.
  • I don’t make time for me.
  • I’m busy proving that I am worthy, enough and love.

So the next time you want to say, “I don’t have time.” I want you to look at this list and pay attention to what you’re really saying.

Because you DO have time.

86,400 seconds EVERY day. The question is are you spending them in ways that bring you JOY?

Time is a commodity and you want to consciously spend it.

Here are 4 simple practices that will help you EXPAND time so you can start enjoying this amazing life you’ve been creating.

1. Implement More Self-Care

When you’re on an airplane they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then you can help others. This is so true for all areas in your life!

If you are tired, overwhelmed and exhausted you do not have the energy for everything else you want to do in work and in life. And time flies by! Did you ever notice that?

Make time for self-care so you can be more present and in the moment.

Self-care can include exercising, getting enough sleep at night, having a date night, reading a book for pleasure – not learning, eating foods that support your body, a massage, facial, meditation, an energy work practice and so much more.

What self-care would best support you right now? Make sure you get it scheduled on your weekends and into packed work days to help you expand your time.

2. Create Routines

Routines tell you what to do at certain times of the day. They help you expand time because you don’t waste time thinking about what you need to do and when. You just do them and get them done.

Create routines that will best support you with your goals:

  • Want to stay more balanced? Create a morning routine to help you start your day in balance. Added bonus – you’ll feel better and you won’t feel so rushed.
  • Trying to fall asleep at night? It is such a waste of time! If you want to fall asleep easily and without medication create an evening routine to help you drift into dreamland quickly. There’s a reason you had a bedtime routine as a child! Sleep is key to making sure that you are present and energized throughout the day. If you’re tired, you waste that time not being as focused or productive.
  • The same is true for eating healthy, exercising, doing hobbies you love. Create a routine that will give you more time in the areas you are working on.

What routines would help support you and give you more time?

3. Balance Your Schedule

I know you love your work and that you are driven BUT your goal wasn’t to work all the time. Your goal was to have a freedom lifestyle – one where you actually get to enjoy all these things you’ve worked so hard for!

Your vision wasn’t to live for your weekends and vacations. When you do that, you’re too tired to enjoy them and they go by way too fast! Plus you usually end up plugging into work anyhow.

Instead create a work schedule and STICK to it!

Look at your calendar at the beginning of the month and each week and look at how it is balanced or not. Each morning look at your schedule and hold firm to your start and stop times for work. Don’t overbook, instead leave intentional spaces for those last minute priorities.

By creating a balanced schedule, you won’t feel rushed and you’ll be able to get in all the things you want to do. You’ll expand your time for things you want and love to do!

4. Say “NO” More Often

When you say no to something, you are saying yes to something for you.

How? Because you spend a lot of your day saying yes to things that take away time for you to do the things you wanted to do for yourself. It’s the only thing you can take away from to squeeze this “thing” in.

By saying NO, you say yes to that walk, a book, a reasonable bedtime. See where I’m going with this?

What can you say no to and reclaim more time in your day?

Not having time is a choice.

You have so much power over how you spend your time. What will you start doing differently? How will you start to reclaim your most precious commodity – time?

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

Why You Should Say NO More Often

I bet you say “yes” to things because you think you should.

Perhaps to even make someone else happy (which you don’t have the power to do – so stop doing that!)

You say “yes” for the other person while you inwardly cringe and cross off your list something you really did want to do but now you can’t.

What would change if you said NO instead?

  • Would you have more time?
  • Do more things you actually want to do?
  • Feel better about your schedule?
  • Get some much needed self-care in?

Think about it this way – when you say “no” to something, you are saying “yes” to something for you.

After all, there is only so much time in a day.

I Don’t Have Enough TIME

This is the biggest complaint I hear: “I don’t have enough time.”

Time is a commodity. It is more precious than money because you can’t get more of it.

You spend a lot of your day saying “yes” to things that take you away from the things you actually wanted to do.

When you say “yes” to your already busy schedule, you either have to take out something you really wanted to do or you lose time for yourself at the end of the day.


But by saying ‘no”, you say yes to that walk, a book, a reasonable bedtime, time to “be” or whatever it is that you want to do for yourself.

See where I’m going with this?

Start Saying “NO”

When someone invites you to do something you DON’T want to do, the best thing you can do is say “no.”

Notice there is no excuse here. You’re not ignoring them or leaving them in limbo. Just say, “No.” Or “No thank you.”


Here’s the thing, no one wants you at something you don’t want to be at. You mess with the vibe of the event. And when you don’t want to be there, everyone knows you don’t want to be there. So save all this trouble and start saying “no.”

It feels awkward at first but I promise it gets easier once you realize what you can do instead during that time!

Most of the time, they don’t care that you said no. (Now if they pressure you once you say you don’t want to go, then you should really look at why they’re trying to pressure you and decide to go from there. Maybe even read this article on boundaries.)

The bonus in saying “no” is that you have more time and energy to actually do things you want to do. Maybe you get to sleep at a decent hour. Or you get to read a book you’ve been wanting to start.

Pause Before You Say “Yes”

Before you say “yes”, ask yourself do I:

  • Want to do this?
  • Have time to do this?
  • Have the energy to do this?
  • Have to give up something else I want to do in order to do this?

Don’t respond until you’ve decided if you really want to do it or not – but don’t forget to respond. (Not responding puts a strain on your energy.)

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Remember, you get to decide how to spend your time.

Spend your time wisely. Say “no” more often so you can say “yes” to the things you really want to do.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020